Welcome to

Vanguard Reformed Church of Roswell

A mission of the Vanguard Presbyterian Church

Worship with Us

We meet every Sunday at 12:30 PM:

We also hold a prayer meeting each Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Please contact us for the address.

About Us

We are a gospel-driven, confessionally Reformed church plant in Roswell, NM.

Our aim is to glorify God in our worship, evangelism, discipleship, and Christian charity.

The Bible is the only inerrant, infallible, and authoritative rule for what we believe and practice. Our understanding of Scripture's essential teaching is summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We also adhere to the beliefs articulated in The Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed, and The Heidelberg Catechism.

We are a mission of the Vanguard Presbyterian Church.

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Ryan Denton was a pastor on the Navajo Reservation before serving in the Vanguard Presbyterian Church as a teaching-elder/evangelist. He has degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, St. John's College, University of New Mexico, and a Th.M from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Ryan is author of numerous books on evangelism, including two published by Reformation Heritage Books (RHB).

He and his wife Tasha have three sons.